理乍得•迈耶推出像自己建筑一样的迷你系列 Richard Meier launches minimal lighting collection that resembles his architecture 由专筑网朱王倩,韩平编译 美国建筑师理乍得•迈耶初次设计了一系列简单的白色灯具,与其建筑物的标志性简约风格保持一致。 建筑师与他的产品设计师女儿Ana Meier以及照明专家HervéDescottes合作,创建了Richard Meier Light系列。 American architect Richard Meier has debuted a range of simple white lamps, in keeping with the signature pared-back style of his buildings. The architect collaborated with his product-designer daughter Ana Meier, as well as lighting veteran Hervé Descottes, to create the Richard Meier Light collection. Cycladic Globe 这个系列的12个作品包括烛台、吊坠、桌子和落地灯——一些简单的几何形状和其他从1984年普利茨克奖获奖者项目中获取线索。 “借助这个系列,我们的目标是将建筑的力量微型化。”Ana Meier表示,“理乍得的作品中,我采用了一些重复的主题和形式,并把它们翻译成与日常互动的雕塑对象。” The 12-piece range features sconces, pendants, table and floor lamps – some in simple geometric shapes and others that take cues from portions of the 1984 Pritzker Prize-winner's projects. "With this collection, we aim to bring the power of architecture to a smaller-scale," said Ana Meier. "I was moved to take recurring themes and forms in Richard's work, and translate them into sculptural objects that are interacted with everyday." Barcelona IFire Island I 命名为Barcelona I的灯,是模仿建筑师于1995年完成的巴塞罗那当代艺术博物馆。 第一个壁挂式设计的形状像建筑物立面入口上方的矩形部分,而第二个是另一端的曲线体块的缩小版本。 Lights in the set titled Barcelona are modelled on the architect's Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art, completed in 1995. The first of the wall-mounted designs is shaped like the rectangular portion of the facade above the building's entrance, while the second is a scaled-down version of the curvaceous volume at the other end. Cycladic SquareCycladic SquareCycladic Circle Meier的2013年火岛别墅也被用作参考。长方体落地灯三面具有矩形开口,可以与海边住宅的封闭部分相呼应。 三个额外的灯形成一套名为Cycladic的灯。一个正方形和一个圆形版本是突出的烛台,两者都在中间分离,所以光线从一半到另一半都闪光。 Meier's 2013 Fire Island House was also used as a reference for the collection. A trio of cuboid floor lamps feature rectangular cut-outs that echo the enclosed portions of the beach-side residence. Three additional lights form a set called Cycladic. A square and a circular version are sconces, and both are split down the middle so light shines from within one half onto the other. Cycladic Circle 带有球形玻璃扩散器和半球形白色帽子的 Cycladic Globe垂饰完成藏品系列。 创立纽约照明公司L'Observatoire International的Descottes说:“这些作品为空间提供了一种全新的体验,用户在此细心地控制形式和阴影的相互作用。” The Cycladic Globe pendant with a ball-shaped glass diffuser and a hemispherical white hat completes the collection. "These pieces provide a new experience of space, where the user carefully controls the interplay of form and shadow," said Descottes, who founded New York lighting firm L'Observatoire International. BarcelonaII(left and right) Barcelona II, (center) Cycladic Square “这些设计揭示了不同尺度的几何体之间的对话,同时保持了理乍得工作的精确度。” 与迈耶的建筑非常相似,照明主要由白色材料制成或具有某种程度的半透明度。它们从销售表面材料Corian到WonderGlass的玻璃均不同。 "The designs reveal a dialogue between geometries at different scales, while retaining the precision so distinctive of Richard's cannon of work." Much like Meier's architecture, the lighting is predominantly made from materials that are either white or have some degree of translucency. They vary from sold surface material Corian to glass by WonderGlass. “建筑有力量去激发灵感,提升精神,养活心灵和身体。”他说,“通过这个系列,我们将这种感觉转化成与人们居住,工作和访问空间里接触的对象。” Richard Meier Light本月初将在纽约的Ralph Pucci展厅亮相。 "Architecture has the power to inspire, to elevate the spirit, to feed both the mind and the body," he said. "With this collection, we have distilled this feeling into objects that touch people inside the spaces where they live, work and visit." Richard Meier Light was unveiled at the Ralph Pucci showroom in New York earlier this month. Cycladic Square 建筑师在Dezeen 热搜榜上排名第96位,目前正在开展城市建设项目,其中包括一座俯瞰Hudson River的发展项目,以及曼哈顿另一边一座不寻常的黑色摩天大楼。 建筑摄影为Scott Frances。 The architect, who ranked 96th on Dezeen Hot List, is currently working on building projects in the city that include a luxury tower as part of a development overlooking the Hudson River and an uncharacteristic black skyscraper for the other side of Manhattan. Photography is by Scott Frances. Barcelona II 本文译自www.dezeen.com/,转载请注明出处。